Back to School Stress & Change of Routine…

Getting back into a routine after the summer holidays can be stressful. There are lost shoes, school bags, tired parents and kids, lunches to be made and lots of early starts. On top of all of this you can be rushing and forget or not have time to eat or drink, not to mention all those breaks at work and colleagues who may tempt you outside for a cigarette break. All of these combined can be disastrous for your quit attempt, Remember:

 “fail to plan = plan to fail”

Don’t panic, if you plan and prepare you can get through it all and stay smoke free. Here are some top tips to keep you focussed:

  • Pack school bags and lunches the night before and lay out clothes for everyone the night before. This can save time in the morning and reduce pressure.
  • Make sure you put your nicotine patch (if using) near your morning things ready to put on so you don’t forget to wear it. If you are using an oral product as well as a patch make sure you have it with you and use it regularly. It is especially important to use this products first thing in the morning while your patch is getting to work and cravings can be high. If you take champix tablets remember to keep them somehwre you will remember to take them (such as next to your breakfast or your cup for your morning cuppa.)
  • Ensure you have enough oral nicotine products (if using) to get you through the day. It is better to take more than you think you need as you don’t want to run out.
  • If you are using an E-cigarette make sure your battery is fully charged and you have enough e-liquid to last the day.
  • Pack enough snacks and drinks. Remember feeling hungry or thirsty can increase cravings and make them harder to ignore. Its important to ensure you have 3 healthy meals during the day, as well snacks and stay hydrated. For more advice on how much you should be drinking and signs of dehydration visit NHS  hydration advice.
  • Remember to take breaks. Working through your normal breaks when quitting smoking might seem like the best idea to avoid the smokers. However, when you do this you quickly start to get burnt out, get fed up and can resort back to smoking for a break. Take regular breaks and get some fresh air. Instead of smoking at lunchtime go for a brisk walk. Exercise helps your physical health and reduces cravings.
  • Invest in a new hobby for breaktimes – Not a fan of walking? How about a new book, game, crossword/word search puzzle or even a sketch or colouring book. This will help you relax and switch off from work and also keep your hands busy instead of smoking.


If you want help to quit for good there is free support available through the Stop Smoking Service. Anyone can get help and support just call 0800 013 0553 today and one of the team will explain more and can book you an appointment with an advisor.