Wednesday 18th January 2023

15:00 – 18:30

Ravi & Leanne
Wednesday 1st February 2023

15:00 – 18:30

Claire & Mandy
Wednesday 15th February 2023

15:00 – 18:30

Peggy & Ravi
Wednesday 1st March 2023

15:00 – 18:30

Mandy & Leanne
Wednesday 15th March 2023

15:00 – 18:30

Leanne & Claire
Wednesday 29th March 2023

15:00 – 18:30

Ravi & Claire


January 2022 – Maulden Village Hall – Safer Event

To help you break up with tobacco for good the Stop Smoking Service are out in your community providing on the spot advice and support.

Come along to one of our events and get:

  • a FREE Carbon Monoxide check
  • Free advice and information about smoking and support
  • Information and advice about e-cigarettes and smoking
  • Specialist advice and support for pregnant smokers

You can also ask to be referred for more support and medications to help you stop smoking, evidence shows you are 3x more likely to quit successfully with support.


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Tobacco – counterfeit, foreign labelled or illicit tobacco

Report sellers of illicit and counterfeit tobacco to Trading Standards You may know illegal tobacco by terms such as ‘dodgy fags, fake cigs, cheap tobacco, foreign cigs’ etc. These terms are used to describe cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco which has either been smuggled into the country and avoids taxation or is not made by […]

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Why Quitting Cold Turkey Isn’t the Best Way to Stop Smoking.

For many people, the idea of quitting smoking “cold turkey” – abruptly stopping all tobacco use without any support or nicotine replacement – is an appealing approach. The thought of ripping off the band aid and being done with it seems simple. However, research shows that this method is often less effective in the long […]

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Quitting smoking during pregnancy

Jackie O’Shea- Stop Smoking Lead in Quitting Smoking in Pregnancy. The dark night are coming to an end. Warmer weather is just round the corner. Congratulations on your wonderful news. Have you though about giving up smoking. It’s the best time to quit, for your health and your unborn baby. The good news is: When […]

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