July 2024


Tobacco – counterfeit, foreign labelled or illicit tobacco

Report sellers of illicit and counterfeit tobacco to Trading Standards You may know illegal tobacco by terms such as ‘dodgy fags, fake cigs, cheap tobacco, foreign cigs’ etc. These terms are used to describe cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco which has either been smuggled into the country and avoids taxation or is not made by […]

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Why Quitting Cold Turkey Isn’t the Best Way to Stop Smoking.

For many people, the idea of quitting smoking “cold turkey” – abruptly stopping all tobacco use without any support or nicotine replacement – is an appealing approach. The thought of ripping off the band aid and being done with it seems simple. However, research shows that this method is often less effective in the long […]

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Quitting smoking during pregnancy

Jackie O’Shea- Stop Smoking Lead in Quitting Smoking in Pregnancy. The dark night are coming to an end. Warmer weather is just round the corner. Congratulations on your wonderful news. Have you though about giving up smoking. It’s the best time to quit, for your health and your unborn baby. The good news is: When […]

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Get Signed Up Ready For No Smoking Day – 13th March

National Non-Smoking Day 13th March 2024 Your Path to Health and Freedom Every year the United Kingdom comes together to witness National Non-Smoking Day, it’s not just a day to raise awareness about the risks of smoking but a celebration of health and liberation. This significant day is not just a reminder of the health […]

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Have a Merry Quitmas and have a smoke free new year!

Have a Merry Quitmas and a smoke free new year! Opening Hours: Our service will be on hand to help you over the holiday, and you’ll be able to reach us by calling 0800 013 0553 between Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm and Friday 9am – 4:30pm. However, we will be closed on the following dates: Monday […]

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New Year…New You!

New Year…New You! by Lesley Doherty Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! New year is a fantastic opportunity to make some significant improvements to our lives! Let’s turn those New Year resolutions into reality! What is a new year’s resolution? A New Year’s resolution is a tradition in which a person resolves to […]

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How to handle fatigue…

Quitting smoking and fatigue By Olena Kovalenko Fatigue and difficulty concentrating are very common withdrawal symptoms after quitting smoking. Withdrawal usually starts a few hours after you quit, this is in the form of a craving and this may peak in 2 or 3 days, whereby you can feel irritable, restless and stressed. This is […]

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Vaping Position Statement

“If you smoke, vaping is much safer; If you don’t smoke, don’t vape; Marketing vapes to children is utterly unacceptable.” Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England (2023) We are delighted to be in a position to share with you the (EoE ADPH nicotine vaping position statement.) The document has been developed as you will be […]

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Stoptober 2023 “When you stop smoking, good things start to happen.”

Stoptober 2023 “When you stop smoking, good things start to happen.” Stoptober is back this October, with a new national campaign designed to encourage and support you to quit for good. Despite smoking rates declining in recent years, over 5 million people in England still smoke and it remains the single biggest cause of preventable […]

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Can you really afford to continue smoking?

Can you really afford to continue smoking? The current ‘cost of living crisis’ is affecting everybody. Tax rises, Inflation on food, energy bills and fuel (up 42% on last year) is leading to many homes drastically reassessing how they are spending their money and more importantly, budgeting any way they can, to reduce outgoings from […]

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